Monday, November 7, 2011

Haakon Schoenheyder

From Oppdal, Norway, Haakon Schoenheyder is our next installment of Meet the First Years. He is currently 20 years old, however he turns 21 on the 8th of November. Haakon is fluent in 2 languages although he claims he knows a little French, German, and Russian. Haakon is thinking about pursuing a degree in physics, with hopes of going to grad school for mechanical engineering. Currently he is very happy with his choice of St. Olaf College and is excited for everyone to get to know him.

Q: Why did you pick St. Olaf College?
A: It was the best alternative: I get to go to great school, ski, and it is cheaper than Norway.
Q: How long have you been skiing?
A: Since 2. My Dad really wanted me to ski race, but I just wanted to have fun on my own. He got me to join when I 12. I have been hooked ever since.
Q: Where do you live at St. Olaf College?
A: Kittelsby 171. For any girls who are looking to hang out, please knock before you enter.
Q: What is your favorite Restaurant?
A: Porter House Steak & Seafood. Little Canada, MN
Q: What is your favorite Outfit to wear on a typical school day?
A: I don’t know: Jeans and a T-shirt.
Q: What do you think about Paal Andre Proitz?
A: (Laughing) A freaking insane Norwegian guy who is going to end up doing something big.
Q: What is your dream vacation?
A: To be honest, I really want to go skiing in Japan, Russia, and especially Legendary Squall Valley. If I do go on vacation, I do not want to sit on a beach. I want to be active. I love doing new things.
Q: What is your favorite sports team?
A: Rosenborg! Best soccer team in Norway for all you Americans.
Q: How do you like America?
A: It is very different from home. People are generally nice. But I don’t get the full experience of America living at St. Olaf College.
Q: Are you interested in women?
A: I am fully interested in women. (Watching a girl walk by)
Q: When was your first kiss?
A: Kindergarten, I had to stand on a rock to reach the girl because she was so much older than me.
Haakon is one interesting kid. He has a great sense of humor and is already finding his niche on the ski team. From talking with Haakon he is the kind of kid you want on your team. We are very excited to have Haakon as a teammate.
Thanks for reading. We appreciate your reading of this blog and we cannot wait to share our stories with you throughout the year.
Thanks again stay tune for more updates on the St. Olaf Ski Team!!

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